Monday 1 April 2013

Wine hates me & I want a dragon.

Weak much? 9 standard drinks over 5 hours, only just tipsy, yet I wake in the morning feeling like I'd drunk 3 bottles of tequila and been run over by a fucking parade of elephants in stilettos, twice .......
Is this a sign that I'm getting too old for wine binges? Is my liver 9 odd years late in punishing me for happy hour each Thursday at the USQ Uni Club? $14 jugs of spirits, hold the ice and no glass, just a straw thanks. Or maybe it's just saying I need to go back to the stronger stuff so I need less of it ..... Lets go with that. 

 I'm in a fucktonne of pain today, and now that the kids are in bed, I thought "you should totally take some drugs dude, then you can sit on your ass and watch Game of Thrones, booya" (the voice in my head is clearly a 14 year old boy stuck in the 80's). I accidentally put strawberry jam on my hot cross bun, turns out its not so bad. So here I sit eating Easter eggs, doped up on painkillers watching GoT and writing this boring blog! You know what would improve this? WINE ..... Bahahaha I'm joking, it's a bad idea to mix alcohol and dairy :P

My brain is dead right now, no fucking idea what to write. 

I want a pet dragon, no 3 pet dragons, and castle. 

Edit - apart from some impressive cleavage, that was a very disappointing season opener of GoT. Kinda like Dr Who last night ....... *shakes head* what's the world coming to if tv is starting to let me down??


  1. try vodka! I always feel groggy next day after wine, I can drink vodka galore and run a marathon the day after! :)

  2. The only vodka I can drink now is raspberry, plus wine is cheap (and in turn nasty) lol
