Wednesday 17 April 2013

Present and unavoidable packing

Got myself a present the other week, figured there was no one else to buy me a Mother's Day present now. Yeah it's next month, but it was a great price and ending soon (eBay, of course).
I love jewellery, but there are only a few items I never take off. My new present will now be one of them. It's also solid Stirling silver, so I can actually wear it and not turn green and orange like an Oompa Loompa. (Omfg autocorrect automatically capitalised that!)

Now, it's 3am ..... I am as wide awake as fuck thanks to being zonked the majority of the day sleeping off that migraine. Either or both of the girls will be up about 7.30am.
I could go to bed, finally doze off as the sun rises then get woken an hour later and consequently be a giant fucking grump all day, barely getting anything done as I'll be such a bitch .... OR ... Stay up, use the time to pack without tiny humans under my feet or needing my attention, drink copious amount of coffee, get a 4 pack of energy drinks when I got out after dropping Miss G at daycare, be a go-go bunny all day then crash at a reasonable time after the kids are asleep.

I procrastinate too much ... Call me the queen of "I'll do it tomorrow" .... Tomorrow never comes bitch, do it now.

Yes, I think I'll put some music on (thank fuck my kids sleep through it) and get my packing on.

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