Wednesday 3 April 2013

Folding plastic perseverance

I said something about folding ... I had this whole witty, entertaining blog planned, but after the events of last night and today you're fucking lucky I'm even typing shit at all. 

To sum up, I suck ass at folding, and maths, but folding really bad sucking. The pile gets bigger and bigger; it gets to the point where I consider hiring a Sherpa to find a pair of undies, it's at that stage that I chuck a tantrum (yes very mature of me) and spend hours upon hours sorting, folding and putting away Mount Folding. I vow to never let it get that bad again, to fold off the line or from the dryer, to just fucking do it. On average I last 2 days then the pile begins ... "I'll just pop this here and do it tomorrow". NEVER FUCKING HAPPENS. 

This, I'm afraid to say, is a SMALL amount waiting to be folded. 4 baskets, not including what is in the dryer and what is hanging outside. Oh and this lot has actually been sorted, a white basket each and the "didn't get that fucking far yet" blue basket. 

I just went and got dinner on. Now I KNOW I'm not the only one with THAT cupboard in the kitchen, you know the one. You open it to find something, and there's yells along the lines of "I'm so fucking sick of all this plastic shit; where the fuck is the lid for this? ARGH fucker landed on my toe, shit fuck ouch; damn you to hell Tupperware" and you finish with your best ninja trick, trying to hold contents on the shelf while closing the door before the contents catches the chance to fall out all over the floor. 
It strikes a strong resemblance to folding for me .... I get so pissed off that I spend hours sitting on the kitchen floor matching containers to lids, then vow to never let it happen again. At least that lasts more than 2 days, but not by much. 

I've mentioned this place is tiny before, which means you can't let shit pile up too much (clean clothes are obviously the exception to that rule). I spent an hour or so yesterday afternoon sorting toys, and finished it today. Was very smart of me to attempt this with both kids home, and of course they chose to be demanding attention whores after I'd already spread crap from asshole to breakfast, moved furniture and created possibly the most hazard filled room for us all to inhibit at the same time.
Yet, I persevered, utilised bribery and got it DONE! 

And to think, I'd already spent time sorting before the before pics! 

Kids are messing bastards. Adorable, but if you want a show room house, don't breed, or be rich so you can hire people to clean. If you're the latter, adopt me please. 

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