Tuesday 9 April 2013

Well that got serious

Because I am awesome, I'm blogging while on my solo outing (technically I'm writing a note on my phone, but copy paste is a powerful tool). I'm doing this so I don't forget things and when it comes time to blog this at home I'm staring at the blank screen thing what the fuck?

Is it school holidays? I'm going out on a limb here and saying it is. Not sure what gave it away, could be the group of preteen boys that yelled "show us ya tits" as I walked through the park, could be the various ages of kids here at the train station with language I don't even use and that's fucking saying something!
I haven't even got to the shops yet ... Oh the short shorts, underwear (if I'm lucky) and duck faces I will see, and that's just the guys!

Regular skinny cappuccino with 2 sugars and shot of vanilla. Yes. Fucking. Please.

Ok it's been 20 mins, I've gone into 3 stores I usually avoid, seen 4 separate lots of ass cheeks and 2 ass cracks (one of which was male), enjoyed the fuck out of my coffee. I've barely spoken 6 words and none of them were "no you can't have it", "don't touch" or "get down" ....

I took a readers advice (hi Dani from Jonny & Delilah) and got me some new undies! Yes folks my bits will now be covered by pretty 100% cotton undies ... Ok they aren't that great but they are cute, not granny pants and I paid the same amount for 3 pairs as I usually do for a 10 pack so yes, I'll enjoy them and yes, they'll probably end up in the draw for "special occasions" that never actually happen.

I went out for 2 things - fill a script at the chemist and go to woolworths for bread, milk, bananas, yogurt and English muffins.

Completely lost track of time and missed the chemist.

Ended my day in Woolies and couldn't even go through the 12 items or less check out.

Got Miss G a pair of shoes .... Not a big deal really, except that her favourite colour is orange. Have you ever tried to find anything in orange that doesn't look horrid, or makes your child look like a fucking bowl of fruit? Exactly. Best part is they were on sale, $9 thank you very much, small price to pay for maintaining my awesome mother status.
I also got her 2 pairs of socks .. "Oh wow mum, some for my feet and my arms!! They match!!!" ... Ok kid, ok.

Ran into a friend, our youngest babies were born the same day and we shared time in special care together, chatted, bitched, etc, and I admired how much her little man has grown. I'd love to say that it made me miss my girls and I got all soppy .... But that would be a big fucking lie.

Can you believe I was out for 4 hours and didn't do the one thing I was looking forward to? I didn't pee alone! In the real women's loo! I was too interested in enjoying the quiet, I forgot to pee. Next time.... There will be a next time ... *rubs hands eagerly*.

You know what's funny? I really didn't do all that much different to any other time I visit the shops. Yes ok I went into stores without the stress of either child, or the pram, breaking shit I can't afford, and I got an entire chocolate thick shake to myself, but I was still shopping for them, I still thought of them when I saw stuff. The exciting part was that I could switch off, go at my own pace, I could go 10 mins without being asked to take Miss G to the toilet or work around Miss O's routine. As far as anyone out today knew, I was just a woman going about her business. I wasn't a bum changer, cook, cleaner, laundry washer, toy sorter, bottle maker, teacher, disciplinarian, nurse, or mentor .... I was Bree, doing her thang.

Don't get me wrong, being a mother is amazing, it is a true blessing, when people ask me what I do, I say I'm a mum, because that is first and foremost what I am, and I am thankful every day that these 2 tiny humans call me mum.

There's no escaping your role as a mother, but sometimes to physically escape the activities and day in day out mundane existence that comes hand in hand with being a mother, to just be a stranger alone in a crowd, responsible for no one but yourself, that is fucking lovely.


  1. You know how I can tell we are too similar.
    I don't think it is the fact that I too love going to the toilet alone (not that I would remember what it feels like) but I too look forward to those outings without children in tow because I love having a full flake shake to myself.. Again.. don't remember what it feels like.

    Until next time.. *rubs hands eagerly* :P

    1. Fucking flake shake!!!! Why didn't I think of that!!!! Damn it!!!

      Next time Gadget!!!!

  2. YAY for new undies!! I need to follow my own advice! If I had that much time on my own, I know I would sew or clean :/ I need a life LOL

    1. They've been washed not worn, good effort so far ;)
