Friday 22 February 2013

This Friday is Wine Day

I would like to thank my ex for two things today.
1. Coming over last night to tend to the kids while I put myself into a drug induced coma to get rid of a migraine from hell.
2. Not reminding me he took Miss G's antibiotics to daycare with her today. So of course I didn't make sure they were in her bag when I picked her up. Daycare is closed on weekends. Fan-fucking-tastic.

Aforementioned migraine resulted in me having to poke chunks of food down the drain after vomiting in the shower, falling into walls and near passing out when standing up.

Picked up kid 1 from daycare and the top of her head looked like this.
Instant panic, fuck fuck fuck she has knits. No, just playground bark. "Did you roll in the dirt today?" ..... "No me and Miss A (her best friend at daycare) played babies in the bath" ..... "Mmhmm and the bark was water?" ..... "*sighs at me like I'm the dumbest bitch on earth* it was shampoo". Of course.

Lifted Miss O from her bouncer this evening, "you stink" says I. Do the standard nappy check and feel the all to familiar warm, wet, squish on my fingers. I have long fingernails, think about it.

Dinner for Miss G was a kids Red Rooster meal, my dinner is this.

(I'm having a salad on the side)

Update - for $8.99 a bottle this shit is good!!! nom nom nom.

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