Thanks to Pinterest I -
- Have a command centre that looks totally awesome but I forget it's there and still have things written in random bits of paper on my desk;
- Admit I have burnt the ass out of 2 batches of salt dough trying to do those hand and feet print things that every other dumb ass can do but me;
- Learnt I cannot braid, plait, twist, straighten, scrunch curl or sock bun my own hair;
- Rearranged my pantry and now have 3kg of rice as I lost not one but two packs because I put them up the top and can't see up there unless I stand on a chair (joys of being short);
- Piss off Miss G often by doing her hair with the aforementioned attempts, but I can actually do them on her;
- Stabbed myself in the eye with eyeliner, several times, following make up tutorials (that being said I am like 80% blind in one eye, give me a fucking break);
- Have about 3 dozen pinned recipes with the comment "I could actually do this" or some variation of, but have attempted none;
- Have spent my entire life telling people the wrong things according to pins entitled "25/10/13 things you should/shouldn't/must/never tell your daughter/sister/mother/father/postman/doctor/neighbour";
- Cannot draw, at all, even with this simple to follow drawing guide;
- Don't efficiently utilise dinner left over’s;
- Don't bake enough as my child has store bought snacks rather than dinosaur shaped pikelets with jam made from over-ripe fruit (I'm lucky to make fucking banana bread with the black bananas at the back of the fridge and I actually love that shit!);
- Am wasting good money by not making my own hair removal cream, face wash, self tanner, tooth paste and glue;
- Oh and despite having a horde of empty formula tins stacked in the pantry, I have only used ONE pinned reuse/up-cycle pin.
And yet, I am stupidly addicted to the goddamn site! All the best intentions but let’s face it, I'm fucking lazy, I'm shocked I've kept up this half assed blog for this long. Hell I'm waiting 15 mins to publish this entry or I've done TWO in one fucking day and I can't keep up those standards! I told you not to have too much faith in this shit.
oh oh and want another blog? Sonja over at Pintester is HILARIOUS and I think I have a secret girl crush on her. Especially when she does things like stick headphones up her nose, slather her skin with homemade beauty shit, and blogs while drinking (which I say happens more than she claims, sneaking fucking bitch) - oh, so always!
Random Bree fact #14 - as mentioned above, I'm legally blind in one eye (hence glasses) as I was pecked in the eye by a magpie (a bird, Google it) when I was 3 years old. Bastard got me twice, tore my eyeball in half. My eye is still in medical text books, first surgery of its kind in the country (we are talking 1987 here people). One more reason why I. Am. Awesome.