Saturday, 31 August 2013

My name is Bree, and I am a slacker .....

Surprise, surprise, I'm here apologising for no blogs in, well, so long I can't remember.
I could spew out a few excuses - 

Sick kids; sick me; busy cleaning for rental inspection; money issues; playing taxi driver; watching too much TV; lack of subjects to blog about; I live a fucking boring life and I didn't want to be that blog you read to fall asleep.

Truth is, I think I'm lacking that part of my brain that allows you to commit to things. Yes I am committed to my kids, eating, breathing, bodily functions, but those aren't exactly optional. I committed to my relationship and marriage when it existed, and I am loyal to a fault with my friends, however the list of projects, ideas, and plans that I've made is embarrassingly long. 

Perfect example - this blog. And folding .... we all know I fucking suck at keeping up with folding. A positive of that though, the rewarding feeling of getting it all done and being able to brag you have none! It's almost like completing a marathon or climbing a mountain .... but not, because I'm sitting on my fat ass while folding the 15 million items of clothing, but I will brag about it, because I can. As for the blogging, I will use the boring life excuse. 

So, give me some things you'd like my opinion on. I'm asking for readers collaboration  aka I can't fucking think of things to blog about and need you to do my thinking for me! It's obvious that I tend to be blunt, and will say the things people are thinking but aren't brave enough to say. I'm not here to make friends, I'm here to waste time when I should be folding.